A delicious Plant Protein smoothie next to a kettle bell
No Ordinary Moments blog: welcome!

Read time: 1 min

Each Friday I sit down after my kettlebell class with my Plant Protein+ and a cup of decaf coffee and create “One Great Newsletter” a two minute read, delivered to your inbox with great tools, tips and inspiration to enrich your life.

One Great Read...

I have started reading Jonathan Livingston Seagull, as too many people have recommended it to me recently - as one of their favourite books. Have you read it? I am on chapter one...

Jonathan Livingston Seagull A story Book by Richard Bach

One great day...

This time last week, I was out in Cyprus scuba diving and spending time by the ocean. I find the best ideas come when we slow down and create stillness. Each morning I drove down the pier with my girlfriend and sat at the end in the sun and mediated before jumping in the ocean.

Girl looking out over the ocean with a No Ordinary Moments bag

One great app...

I love coming across things which maybe value to you. I recently came across the app ROMWOD. It provides one exercise video each morning.

Girl on yoga mat exercising

One great quote to ponder on...

“Can you accept the notion that once you change your internal state, you don’t need the external world to provide you with a reason to feel joy, gratitude, appreciation, or any other elevated emotion?” Joe Dispenza

Kia Kaha,


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